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Unit 4: Mechanisms of Evolution Descent with Modification Review
  1. Charles Darwin explained the diversity of life by of . through with from a common ancestor.
  2. His ideas can be summarized in inferences based on observations.
    • Observation #1: of offspring.
    • Observation #2: Populations tend to remain in size over time.
    • Observation #3: Resources are limited.
      • Inference #1 ( for existence): There is a struggle for among individuals of a population.
    • Observation #4: Members of a population exhibit in their characteristics.
    • Observation #5: Much of this variation is .
      • Inference #2 ( selection): Individuals whose inherited traits give them a high probability of surviving and are likely to leave more offspring than others.
      • Inference #3 ( ): A population will gradually accumulate favorable characteristics over generations and become more to its environment.
  3. Humans have modified other species over generations by and breeding individuals that possess desired traits. Darwin called this selection.
  4. Drug resistance in bacteria and viruses such as HIV are probably due to and for individual organisms that possess the resistance.
  5. anatomical structures, such as the among mammals, provide evidence of common ancestry with modifications.
  6. Comparative reveals anatomical not visible in adults.
  7. In , related species tend to be found in the same area; unrelated species that occupy similar ecological niches may look similar by evolution.
  8. Darwin's theory of evolution predicts forms during the evolution of species, and this is supported by records.
  9. homologies provide the latest support for Darwin's theory of evolution.
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