PBS The Shape of Life Disc 1: Life On The Move (Cnidarians) (2002)

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Peter's DVD rating: 4.0 stars
QH325 .S453 2001 Circulation Desk
7:00Abraham Trembley observed Hydra feeding 10:10Cnidarians invented mouth, stomach, movement of hairs 500 MYA 11:402 sets of muscles and nerves allow bending
13:30 Sea Anemone captures goby with nematocysts (Big Sur, California) 17:55 Anemones battle for territory 21:00 Coral polyps form vast colonies, build reefs, spawn
24:20 Stomphia is a sea anemone 24:30 Stomphia swims away from sea star Dermasterias triggered by nerve impulses 31:10Jellyfish eaten by sea turtle
33:40 Moon Jelly polyps produce ephyra (juvenile jellyfish). 16:00 Moon Jelly adults form massive swarms when spawning. 36:30 Moon Jelly females ingest thread-like sperm of males
38:00 Moon Jelly swimming motion creates current for feeding (Greenwich Cove, Rhode island) 44:30 Praya is a medusa 44:40 Praya also has stalk-like polyp and trailing tentacles up to 120 feet
45:30 Colobonema 45:40 Colobonema can detach tentacles as a defense 49:30 new species of jellyfish has massive arms, below 3,000 fett (research vessel Western Flyer, Monterey, California)
7:00 Hydra feeding
10:10 movement of hairs
11:40 bending
13:30 Sea Anemone
Anemone war
17:55 Anemones battle for territory
21:00 Coral polyps form vast colonies,
21:00 spawn
Stomphia coccinea
24:20 Stomphia
Stomphia coccinea
24:30 Stomphia
24:30 Dermasterias
24:30 nerve impulses
Sea turtle
31:10 sea turtle
Aurelia aurita
33:40 Moon Jelly
Aurelia aurita
16:00 Moon Jelly
Aurelia aurita
36:30 Moon Jelly
Aurelia aurita
38:00 Moon Jelly
Praya dubia
44:30 Praya
Praya dubia
44:40 Praya also has stalk-like polyp
Colobonema sericeum
45:30 Colobonema
Colobonema sericeum
45:40 Colobonema can detach tentacles
49:30 new species of jellyfish has massive arms,
Index Mar 15, 2010
Copyleft Peter Chen