NOVA scienceNOW: Episode 5 Leeches, Stem Cells Breakthrough (2008)

Peter's DVD rating: 3.0 stars
500 NOV Ep. 5
4:30Leeches 8:40Thomas Clark's severed fingers: blood flows in, but not out; kept flowing by leeches 15:20Search for alien life
27:35Stem cell to treat sickle cell anemia 31:002007 Shinya Yamanaka skin cell -> stem cell 32:15Somatic cells have same DNA; cell programming: 100 genes to reprogram -> 24 -> 4 genes inserted into mouse via virus
34:40Induced pluripotent stem (IPS) cells; now human IPS cells 37:20Virus and gene (one of the 4 genes is an oncogene) may cause cancer 41:40Edith Widder: marine bioluminescence, eye in the sea camera
Index Oct 23, 2011 copyleft Peter Chen